
~ Spontaneous Saturday Evening Poem ~

~ Spontaneous Saturday Evening Poem ~

It’s a Saturday evening and I’m home alone
Trying to write a poem
I’m listening to ambient music
Looking at pretty pictures of sunsets
Hoping that inspiration will strike
As the words come flooding onto the page.

It’s a strange process that is hard to explain
But doing this, instead of being at the bar,
Well it gives me the sort of joy
That one only gets when they are in touch
With something spiritual and sacred.

For some reason I decided to be a writer
I’ve been doing it for over ten years now
Nothing has really made much sense to me
Except when I’m organising words together.

School didn’t come naturally
Jobs didn’t come naturally
Social life didn’t come naturally
But for some reason this did.

And that’s why I’m here tonight
Still giving it all that I’ve got
Sailing out on the sea of creative thought
Lowering my net into the depths
And trying to catch a big juicy
200 pound poem to take home
And display on my wall.

For now it appears I’ve only caught this one
Which, admittedly, isn’t my best
But hey, I’m having fun
Typing these words
Jamming out alone
On a Saturday evening.

I’ll think I’ll even crack open a beer
As I keep on sailing on this sea
Doing the thing which puts everything in the right place
Which makes me feel like I’m on that dancefloor
Busting my moves and celebrating life
In all its strange joy.


~ Free Time ~

~ Free Time ~

Another weekday
It’s 9pm again
And the temptation to turn on the television
And watch some crap appears.

No, I say to myself
This is the time to create
To write some words
And share some truth.

So here I am back at the keyboard
Persevering with my poems
As my girlfriend learns piano.

What’s the point, I sometimes wonder
It’d be so much easier to sink into a groove
To find some comedy series
And let my mind be numbed
After a long day at work.

It does feel good,
When the odd good poem comes along
But too often it’s just hours
Of staring at the screen
Starting and deleting sentences
Going around and around
In your own mind
Searching for that something
Which you imagine no one else has ever said
As you write the poem that changes the world
That will cause everyone to become enlightened
As the climate crisis is averted
And world peace is finally announced.

In reality, you just type more words
To post onto your blog
To be read by fifteen people
Somewhere around the world
Whom you’ll never meet
Or even message.

Well, look, I guess this is one more poem
The third one of the evening, in fact
I’m not sure if they’re any good
But at least I can feel like I’ve earned
An episode of The Simpsons now.


~ A Simple Decision ~

~ A Simple Decision ~

Today I’m making the decision
To let it all go:
All my anger, my mistakes
And my pain.

Today I think I’m going to
Let myself be born again
As I close the book
Of my story so far written
And throw it out the window.

I think I’m going to head outside too
I’m going to stroll down some streets
And look up at the sky
Rather than down at the floor.
I’m going to think of things I’m grateful for
Rather than bemoan mild inconveniences.

I’m going to spend time understanding things
Rather than looking and judging
And I’m going to take my time to think
Before I let words come out of my mouth
To make sure I truly mean them.

I’m going to taste every breath
To drink each one in deliciously
For to be alive and in good health
Is a supreme victory in itself
And I’m going to appreciate
Everything that comes my way
Rather than get lost in thoughts
Which take me away from
The wonderful show in front of me.

Having made this decision,
I already feel considerably better
Like a shot of miracle medicine
Has gone through me
And I realise that a person’s reality
Can be reshaped at any time
As they let go of their pain
As they grow new eyes
As they reopen their hearts
And learn to live again.


~ Sacred Garden ~

~ Sacred Garden ~

Don’t let them do it
Don’t let them close the door
That lies inside of you
To access your radiant
And authentic self.

Don’t let them make you think
That your voice isn’t worthy of airtime
That your dance moves are weird
And that your smile isn’t deserved.
Let that thing beam beautifully bright
As you live in tune with your true nature.

Don’t let them tell you you need this or that
Trust in what gives you joy rather than pleasure
And don’t let them make you feel inadequate
Make sure to get away from the crowd’s chatter
As often as you possibly can
For it’s a world of people speaking words
Which are not truly their own
And are often just filling the silence
Which they fear.

Don’t let your mind get polluted with dogma
Nor let your spirit get suppressed by sullen people.
Find your safe spaces and spend time in them.
Treat your inner self as a sacred garden
Cultivate the crop of your peace
Tend to the flowers of your happiness
Observe what causes you to grow
And be careful of who you let in there, if anyone. 

Look after yourself in these simple ways
And slowly, over time
You will see your character blossom
And your eyes become like flowers
Containing all the light of life
And people will behold them
Wanting themselves to bloom too
As the smiles keep spreading
And this world gets
A little brighter.


~ Epiphany ~

~ Epiphany ~

God, I think about it all now. How wild and crazy I was in my twenties. Flying to Iceland alone with a tent, hitchhiking around the island; cycling around the Scottish highlands with a girl I was seeing; living in a Rio de Janeiro suburb with a Brazilian family; hiking ten hours a day in the Nepalese Himalayas. I remember the locals laughing at me and telling me there was no chance I was going to reach my destination in one day. I dismissed their comments and hiked like hell, climbing a 2000m mountain pass in just a few hours. I then walked along a slippery ridge with no guide or safety equipment. Why? I just had to. I just had to live as hard as possible and be on my voyage to wherever it was I was supposed to be. There was no logical debate or reason; I was just following that inner voice that was screaming for raw experience. That voice made the entirety of my twenties a restless, whirlwind adventure. And sitting here now at thirty-one, I have to say that things have finally slowed down. There aren’t many dramatic and daring trips on the horizon. I now go on holidays and weekends away with my girlfriend. My current mission is getting my driver’s licence. I spend my weekends cooking new recipes and meditating and watching football matches. Right now, I’m enjoying a decaf coffee as I write at my desk on a work night, listening to some ambient music while feeling contentment from the simple things.

At one point I thought this kind of life was unfulfilling. I imagined myself running through the wilderness like a crazed animal until my hair was grey and my face wrinkled. I imagined myself exploring distant lands, partying most nights, getting in dangerous situations. Anything sedentary or static was the enemy of the soul. But the truth is now although the thrills are not there like before, there is a great peace in myself that I was missing for a long time while in my younger years. Ultimately, it was a lust for life fuelled by my existential dissatisfaction that propelled me into that thorny wilderness. I felt that traditional life was a con and most people were wasting their lives in trivial and mundane routines. But now – after all those adventures – I feel I have discovered the universal joy that can exist in every moment of life, regardless of one’s destination, should one be perceptive enough to the reality of being alive.

For example, I am living by a river now. It is a river I have ran or walked along hundreds of times. I’m there almost every day, in fact. And when I look out at geese flying above, the sun sparkling on the water, even the rowers going up and down – I stand and marvel at the beauty of the world the same way I did when I stood in front of Mount Everest. I feel a great delight and peace in my soul with this simple sight that I see all the time. And I just want to keep on living beside it and running my route and watching those geese and experiencing the bliss I have now discovered inside of myself. I simply don’t need to jump on a one way flight to some far-off place and get drunk with strangers before climbing a mountain. That life was fun and it made me who I am today, but now I’m in a different and, ultimately, happier place.

Okay, there is the chance that maybe I’ve just become tired or boring. But isn’t that what people do when they find inner peace? The life of a monk is hardly thrilling, but for most they live without the pain and torment that the average person experiences. And I think this is what I want now: to spend my days in peace and harmony. To meditate, to run, to write poetry, to cook, to spend time with my girlfriend and let the light rush through me. I know that without having done the epic journey, I would not have arrived at this sacred space I now reside in. Through intensive internal reflection, I have found my own formula to happiness. It is a place that maybe many people never get to experience, especially around the age I am now. But now I’ve broken through to it, I’m going to make the absolute most of it. Right now I am still sipping that coffee, listening to this music, and letting the words arrive one by one onto the page. I may publish this piece of writing somewhere or I might not. It doesn’t matter. Just the act of doing it fulfils me just as much as all those adventures did. Maybe I’ll be back on the road someday after another existential crisis, but for now I’m enjoying this oasis I have cultivated for myself. Tomorrow I’ll return to that river and watch the sunlight on the water; I’ll kiss my girlfriend on the cheek and hold her tight; I’ll cook a new meal and appreciate the flavour of the recipe. This is my life now. Yes, at the age of thirty-one, my adventure has finally slowed, but how my happiness has blossomed.


~ Well, That’s Just Me ~

~ Well, That’s Just Me ~

God, I was never going to understand them
Why they did the things they did
I was never going to be able to fit in
And join in their little game
Working long hours
Chasing material things
Bragging about their busyness
Designer clothes and flash cars
Expensive watches on wrists
Shoving cocaine up their nose on the weekend
While chatting incessantly about themselves.

To me, these were people enslaved
They were the blindest of the blind
Their smiles were fake and their words false
Maybe they thought they were masculine
That I was weak and they were strong
But the truth couldn’t be avoided
I could see it in their tired eyes
In the way they talked without thinking
How untrue their words sounded
And how they walked in a way
Which shown what a dull performance
It all was.

Yes, I may not be a traditional man
With societal status or success
But I am so glad not to be one of them.

I am so glad I am able to stare into the sky
And let my mind be truly clear
As the sunlight enters my soul
I am glad I am able to be alone in peace
And hear the inner voice singing within
I am glad I am able to write poetry
To meditate, to help others
And to experience a simple joy
From just watching a sunset.

By not participating in their game
And listening to that inner voice
I have found myself obtaining a wealth
That I suspect they will never experience
As their mouths continue to bark
As their cars continue to rev
And their wrists adorn those watches
That will never tell them
The time they can’t get back.


~ In Motion ~

~ In Motion ~

Bryan sits in his holiday home in The Netherlands
Drinking beer and writing short stories
Contemplating quitting his job and flying to India
Another mad voyage at the age of thirty-five
James sits drinking wine in a cafe in portugal
Before jumping on his motorbike and heading home
Winding around the coastal roads
With the Atlantic breeze in his hair.

Yes, today I think of the friends of mine
Scattered around this world
Making their way through their lives
Filling their cups; escaping those walls
Searching for the good life
That all true men desire.

May my story be like theirs
The tale of a man seeking the supreme substance
Tasting the nectar that stirs the soul
Making us grab life by the handlebars
And drive toward that holy horizon
Where the world will make us complete
My fellow brothers united in spirit
The insatiable spirit of adventure
That keeps us wild-eyed and alive
To the end.


~ My Way ~

~ My Way ~

I guess I was always a little wild
A little rebellious, a little reckless
From a young age, I walked my own path
Following the signposts of the soul
Rather than the signposts of society
I trusted the authority of my intuition
Rather than any government or institution
I still feel this way; each person must find
Their own path through this wilderness
If they are to find out who they truly are
And get the most out of this life.

Self-direction is the way
And I will never stop thinking for myself
Nor settle down into some sofa
Turning on a TV and turning off my mind
I shall follow this internal compass to whatever end
For without it, I would not have found
The joy that I now store in my soul
The fire that burns in my heart
And the truth that runs through
My words.


~ Facing the Blank Page ~

~ Facing the Blank Page ~

To write your story you must first be willing to live it
Everything worth reading about
Was done by people who thrusted themselves forward into life’s wilderness
Without any certainty of how they would end up
But a person cannot know true completion
Until they have experienced life at its core
And it goes without saying that life’s core is to Live
To be totally alive and awake to each moment
Journeying into the heart of everything
And filling their soul with some substance.

Security will not get one there.
Pleasing others will not get one there.
Following the rules will not get one there.
Walking a set path will not get one there.

Such conformity must be unlearnt
And a person must return to the infant state
Exploring the universe via their own intuition
Following the signposts of the soul
Rather than the signposts of society.

Tread forward with purpose and vigour
And don’t think that you don’t have something to offer
There is still treasure waiting to be unearthed
Stories waiting to be written, wisdom to be obtained.
Give yourself to the world and it will give something back

It always does.


~ Taking a Breath ~

~ Taking a Breath ~

And it’s the reason you avoid being alone with your own thoughts. It’s the reason you need the noise, the bright lights, the drinks, the television shows. It’s the reason you feel that sickness inside is never going to go away, why you get annoyed over trivial things, and why you haven’t smiled at a simple sight in so long now. Can you not see how you’ve got yourself all tangled up in a lifestyle that is constricting your happiness? Take a moment to pause and reflect. Find a quiet spot somewhere. Stare at the clouds in the sky, at the willows in the pond. Be like that water surface; not bubbling up violently with thoughts – but sitting still and gentle. Let the noise die down; let the ripples of your mind settle. Somewhere along the way you’ve got yourself mixed up, but that’s okay – in this society it’s easy for it to happen. Distractions and deception are everywhere, but nature will not confuse or lie to you. It will tell you the innate truth that has been drowned out. The truth that you belong. The truth that you are already enough. The truth that you are living in harmony with the universe and that just being alive is a glorious thing. Each moment peace of the soul is possible and you can be nurtured back to some kind of sanity. Do not rush off to medicate yourself or chase some other ‘thing’ that promises happiness. Start by unplugging and letting go. Embrace simplicity and get into tune with your surrounding natural universe. Look at the trees growing tall by just being and realise you belong to the same energy system. Find the soil from which you can grow; the space from which you can breathe. No matter how broken you feel, this world will make you blossom again.